
Hi! Welcome to my blog. 🙂

My name is Petra and I’m a journalist/editor who is insanely addicted to everything connected to beauty and skincare. I have always been interested in skin, how it works and heals, basically in everything that is connected to it. I remember I was about 5 years old when I made a „potion” from plants and flowers I found in our garden and applied it on my friend as well as on myself (thank God we are still alive, haha). I firmly believed that it was a miracle herbal potion that makes every skin beautiful and heals all kinds of wounds.

Later I started to be really interested in communication, and writing has become my other passion which I still practice full time as a lifestyle journalist. At the same time my deep, deep attraction to beauty hasn’t subsided either, hence 7 years ago I become a make-up artist. And right before my son was born I started my blog Peonilla, which unfortunately become a little neglected because of all the things and tasks and sleepless nights that has come with a baby. But the truth is I was constantly feeling guilty about not doing it even though I loved it so much. I also felt that if I can not make something perfect (I don’t have time exploring, digging deep, taking amazing pictures, etc.) then there is no sense doing it at all. I still have this pressure on me – cause there are so many beautiful beauty blogs out there – but I decided not to let my perfectionism ruin my dream, and I’ve started all over again. I will not take all the pictures on my own, but I will try to incorporate as many as possible to make this website more authentic, unique and personal.

My focus stays the same as I am in love with clean, irritant-free beauty. Although I am not an extremist by any means, I always try to choose the cleanest products possible. (And not because it is very trendy now, but because I know that what I put on my skin affects my whole body.) This is what I would like to help you with and everyone who finds my blog, as well as opening your eyes to the ultimate truth: everything is connected to everything else. I believe in the holistic approach, so you can also find posts about nutrition, healthy lifestyle and self-love.

I hope that even if just a little bit but I can contribute to women becoming more and more self-conscious, confident and balanced. Most importantly You, of course. 😊 I think this is my mission in life.

I am very happy to have you here. 😊 Hope you can take away something useful from my posts!

Peonilla xx